Job Fair, Thursday, July 21, 2022
Now’s the time to get that Job! Tired of browsing online job boards all day? Come meet face-to-face with recruiters & hiring managers at the St. Louis Job Fair on July 21st.
Now’s the time to get that Job! Tired of browsing online job boards all day? Come meet face-to-face with recruiters & hiring managers at the St. Louis Job Fair on July 21st.
Now’s the time to get that Job! Tired of browsing online job boards all day? Come meet face-to-face with recruiters & hiring managers at the St. Louis Job Fair on May 26th.
Now’s the time to get that Job! Tired of browsing online job boards all day? Come meet face-to-face with recruiters & hiring managers at the St. Louis Job Fair on March 31st.
Applications are now available for youth and employers to participate this summer with STL Youth Jobs, a youth employment organization that offers paid jobs to young people ages 16-24, and paid career exploration to ages 14-15. Each participant receives upfront job readiness and financial empowerment trainings, a Job Coach for mentorship, a youth-friendly bank account, and a paid work-based experience.
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is organizing its 2022 Job Fair Thursday, March 3rd at 4:00 p.m. at Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 36 (2319 Chouteau Ave #100). It is free and open to EVERYONE of any background looking for any type of job and any level of employment (entry-level, management, trades, corporate, full-time, part-time, etc.). They will be providing FREE childcare to make sure everyone has access to this event. Be sure to register for this event TODAY.
Now’s the time to get that Job! Tired of browsing online job boards all day? Come meet face-to-face with recruiters & hiring managers at the St. Louis Job Fair on January 27th.
Please fill out information regarding your experience and interests by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 5. A representative from the companies you express interest in will reach out to you between January 6-13 to officially schedule your interview(s) based on the information you provide.
Dr. Art McCoy, leader and champion, talks with Theniesha Owens, F-18 Lead Assembly Mechanic, about her Boeing career journey. Theniesha was part of St. Louis Community College’s Boeing pre-employment training program, which provided her the training and opportunity to successfully interview with Boeing and start her assembly mechanic career. Five years later, Theniesha has been promoted within Boeing and encourages others to consider a similar career path with her participation in the Women in Aerospace Manufacturing initiative.
Each year the Missouri Chamber Manufacturing Alliance, in partnership with Missouri Enterprise, leads Missouri’s statewide MFG Day open door events and invites students to learn more about the amazing career potential that exists across the manufacturing industry. This year we’re meeting the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic by bringing today’s modern manufacturing world right to you virtually. This full-day, live-streamed event will showcase dozens of manufacturers across the state while Zooming in students from around Missouri.
Second semester high school seniors can apply for the no-cost Boeing pre-employment training program providing employer-specific instruction in aircraft assembly techniques for Assembly Mechanic positions within Boeing.