S ystem Architect or Analyst
System architects are responsible for the design, operation, and function of networking and computer systems. People in this position are crucial to the function of a company as they control things such as servers, firewalls, and system security. Faced with challenges that require an analytical thought process, the ideal system architect is one who is inherently curious and driven to diagnose issues in computer systems.
T he Perks
For those looking for a career to propel them through an increasingly tech oriented workplace, system architecture and analysis is a great option.
For some system architect/analyst positions, an associates degree will be the highest academic qualification you need. This can take only 2 years or less.
The yearly growth employment for system architects/analysts is on par with the national average for all occupations at 6%
In 2018, the median pay for those in this position was $109,020 or approximately $52/hr.
Systems Analyst
I’m never bored in my career. I’m always learning new, innovative technologies and sharpening my skills. I never thought I would be a “systems analyst” when I was growing up, but if I had known what a cool job it really is, I totally would have made this my goal from the start!

W hat Do I Need?
The pathway to a highly advanced tech career has never been easier than it is today. Resources to further your readiness for this position are plentiful and highly useful.
Analytical skills
System architects have to configure data networks while keeping the needs and resources of the organization in mind.
A buzzword in this field, the more experience you have relating to an IT discipline the better you look to employers. Sometimes enough experience can supplement any form of degree but this varies between positions.
The most common educational routes taken to this career are an associates degree and/or a bachelors degree in science. For higher level positions, some companies prefer their system architects/analyst to have their Masters in Business Administration as well.
Interpersonal skills
System architects may work with many different types of employees while configuring their networks, meaning strong communication skills are recommended.
System architects often work for large firms and must coordinate different types of networks and make sure they interface well together.
Detail oriented
System architects need to create comprehensive plans of the networks they are creating with precise information describing how the network parts will work together.
Analytical skills
System architects have to configure data networks while keeping the needs and resources of the organization in mind.
A buzzword in this field, the more experience you have relating to an IT discipline the better you look to employers. Sometimes enough experience can supplement any form of degree but this varies between positions.
The most common educational routes taken to this career are an associates degree and/or a bachelors degree in science. For higher level positions, some companies prefer their system architects/analyst to have their Masters in Business Administration as well.
Interpersonal skills
System architects may work with many different types of employees while configuring their networks, meaning strong communication skills are recommended.
System architects often work for large firms and must coordinate different types of networks and make sure they interface well together.
Detail oriented
System architects need to create comprehensive plans of the networks they are creating with precise information describing how the network parts will work together.
Y our Resources
Ready to get started? Here are some resources and pathways you can explore to get started in a successful career as a system architect/analyst!

WGU Missouri Online Degree Programs
The mission of WGU Missouri is to expand access to affordable higher education for Missouri residents through online, competency-based programs that address key workforce needs. WGU Missouri offers more than 60 bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the high-demand fields of business, IT, teacher education, and healthcare. WGU now serves almost 3,200 students in Missouri and has awarded degrees to more than 3,200 Missouri residents.

Network Security, Certificate of Proficiency (CP)
This skill-oriented program prepares you to implement security measures for a network. The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) security courses cover knowledge and skills required to secure Cisco networks. The program competencies align with the industry CCNA security certification examination, where a network professional demonstrates the skills required to develop a security infrastructure, recognize threats and vulnerabilities to networks and mitigate security threats.

Network Engineering, Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Certificate of Proficiency (CP)
The program provides students with an accelerated career pathway, stackable certificates and programs and industry-recognized credentials. Students will be prepared for apprentice-level networking positions.

CISCO Networking Academy: CCNA, Certificate of Specialization (CS)
This program teaches comprehensive networking concepts, from network applications to the protocols and services provided to those applications by the lower layers of the network. Students will progress from basic networking to more complex enterprise and theoretical networking models later in the curriculum. In each course, students will learn technical concepts with the support of interactive media and apply this knowledge through a series of hands-on and simulated activities that reinforce learning. The courses serve as preparation to take the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT®) certification exam after completing the first two courses and the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®) Routing and Switching certification exam after completing all four courses.

TechHire helps job seekers rethink, retrain and retool their careers with IT certificates and work experience. Participants learn new tech skills, improve their chances for employment, and build a stronger and more inclusive tech community for the St. Louis area. Morning and evening classes available.

Careers at Emerson
Emerson Electric Co. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Ferguson, Missouri, that manufactures products and provides engineering services for a wide range of markets. Emerson offers employment opportunities in engineering, manufacturing, skilled trades, IT and more. Learn more about the available positions at Emerson.

Computer Village
Low or no-cost technical skills training academy for computer, software, and other technical and STEM fields. Youth career training and mentoring is offered in STEM areas including Computer Skills, A+, and ETA, 3-D Printing, CAD, Technical Drawing, OSHA, Hazardous Materials, Solar Tech, and other technical skills.

This free, 6-month, once-a-week program via LaunchCode provides technical training in a variety of disciplines and is designed to equip women to launch a successful career in the tech field. Learning tracks include: Web Development & Design, C#/.NET, SQL Server, iOS, Java Data Science, and User Experience (UX) Data Analysis.

NPower St. Louis
NPower creates pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for young adults from underserved communities. NPower’s Tech Fundamentals course, which provides foundational IT skills, is a free 22-week course.

LaunchCode is a non-profit organization here in St. Louis, Missouri, that works with hundreds of companies and individuals to offer intensive courses in coding skills and set up paid apprenticeships in technology for talented people.